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"Thoughts To An Old Friend"
Besucher auf der Seite44265 (62856 Downloads)
AutorenMichael Mann, Werner Garden
Status nicht mehr im Programm
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BesetzungWaiting For Louise: Detlef Goch (snare, cabasa, shaker), Johannes Lehmann (bg), Michael Mann (acoustic guiter, banjo, 2nd. voc), Ute Rettler (electric guitar), Werner Garden (voc)
InfoDer erste gemeinsame Song seit langen Jahren ist in der Entstehung!!! Im Oktober 2008 kam Michael mit einem Gitarrenriff und einem Melodiefragment zur Rusty-Probe, wenig später gab es einen Textentwurf von Werner.
Seit der erneuten "Kreativpause" der Rostigen Nägel hat die Nummer Anfang 2010 den Weg in das Repertoire von W4L für deren neue CD gefunden. Werner wird auch dort die Solostimme singen.
TextIt’s a time and a place right now
And the evening is getting late
We feel easy and we smile about
The stories we create
It’s been a long, long time
But we had it – together –

Together like when we were
In the days of our youth
Together we were dreaming of
A new world coming soon
We had the innocence
The music and the trust – together –

Life was easy then
And the spirits were high
And there for there was
There was not so much to say

But then we’ve been turned around
And realised how hard it is
To survive in a working world
And compromise and to exist
The world keeps on turning
And the years have gone quite fast

It was all about paying bills
And raise the children well
We lost some of our pride
And the worries never end
But in between this worries
There are moments like now

gefundene Aufnahmen: 1
Cover-W4L-Roadsongs-draft.jpg (xpx) Waiting For Louise: "Roadsongs For The Business Class"
    E=MC² (December 2010)
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